The first step is to complete the S-M-B application

Notes, Terms Conditions below.


The purpose of the Suman Marriage Bureau is to introduce suitable partners to men and women for the purpose of marriage. It is not a dating service.
In view of the fact that the particulars passed on by the Bureau are based on those given by the parents/guardians or the clients themselves, we cannot accept any responsibility for possible incorrectness or results. However, clients will note that the declaration, combined with the safeguards mentioned below, do make such a possibility unlikely. You also warrant that all information supplied by you is true, accurate and not misleading.
The Bureau reserves the right to refuse an application for registration or to strike a client off the register without giving reason if the Bureaus' services are misused, subject to a fair opportunity of appeal.
All correspondence will be sent under plain cover or by email/WhatsApp to the person who is the named applicant on the application, unless otherwise advised.
You agree and confirm that you do not have any criminal record. If there is anything on file, you agree to disclose this to us, in writing, prior to registration with the bureau. We reserve the right to terminate your membership, without refund, if something is found at a later date.
The Bureau will not telephone a client unless the client has first given permission. It is in the client's own interest to provide the bureau with a bonafide land-line and/or mobile number, which shall be kept confidential if requested.
Clients must satisfy themselves as to the bonafides of those to whom they are introduced, as, despite the care taken in accepting clients and in making introductions, the Bureau will not hold itself responsible for any claim, which may arise in any case.
Clients failing to attend an arranged meeting without providing the Bureau 24 hours notification are liable to pay £35.00 plus the travelling expenses incurred by the other party or parties (We provide genuine meetings only).
Membership is not transferable. In the event that a member wishes to cancel his/her membership within 14 days of registering with the bureau a full refund will be provided less an admin charge for work we may have already undertaken on your behalf as well as any costs we may have incurred. Cancellation will not be possible if an introduction has already been provided. You agree to waiver your right to the 14-day cooling off period if we have provided an introduction within that period, unless explicitly asked not to. If a cancellation of membership is requested after 14 days and prior to receipt of the first introduction, the member shall be entitled to a refund of one half of the membership fee. The member accepts that once he/she has received details of the first introduction, he/she shall not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid.
We will endeavour to provide you with an unlimited number of introductions as necessary to ensure success. A minimum of 6 introductions are guaranteed (if needed) for UK residents. The maximum is unlimited subject to availability and requirement. A meeting arranged at our office or other agreed venue, or the provision of a name, with contact details, constitutes an introduction (irrespective of whether or not you arrange to meet the other person, which is your responsibility, if the meeting itself is not arranged by us).
We may on occasion share your details with other reputable matchmakers with a view to providing you with further opportunities and introductions. You agree for us to do so, unless specifically advised to us, by yourself, in writing, that you do not agree to this.
Failure to follow up any introduction provided in a proper manner (i.e. arranging and actually having a meeting with the other party if they are requesting it) may result in the introduction being classed as two introductions (of the minimum six guaranteed) if the other party advises that you have not communicated properly, or not made any real effort to respond to calls and messages.
The member agrees to inform the Bureau within 14-21 days of receipt of an introduction whether he/she wishes to meet the member introduced again. In the event that the member fails to respond after an introduction has been made within the said 14-21 days then the Bureau has the right to place the membership on hold and the obligation to provide introductions is thereby suspended pending receipt by the Bureau of a satisfactory explanation (to be determined by the Bureau) from the member as to the failure to respond. If no such explanation is received by the Bureau within 30 days of the date of the introduction, then the Bureau have the right without further notice to cancel the membership with no refund to the member.
Any changes or amendments to the details provided on the application form can only be accepted if provided in writing by the member.
When a suitable match has been found or the services of the Bureau are no longer required, it is the responsibility of the client to inform us immediately, in writing, so that your details may be removed from our files.
Clients are liable to pay our service charges if details of introductions are passed on to members of their family, friends or any other non-members.
The marriage settlement fee is payable irrespective of when the marriage may take place or when both parties may start cohabiting, if the initial introduction was given by the bureau.
Any marriage settlement account not paid within fourteen days of marriage (religious or court marriage, whichever occurs first), or cohabitation, will carry a penalty of £35.00 up to thirty days and £70.00 thereafter, plus an interest charge of £5.00 per week. It is the responsibility of the member to inform the bureau of the marriage date and pay the marriage settlement fee within the stipulated time to avoid incurring the penalty charges.
The membership period will be increased accordingly, in the rare event that the Bureau fails to give the minimum guaranteed number of introductions (6 - if needed), based on compatibility rather than area, or if the membership renewal is pending.
Upon expiry of membership and non-renewal, we will keep your details on file, as a passive member (unless otherwise requested) and may from time to time provide further introductions, although not actively searching for you. If any of these introductions materialises to marriage/cohabiting, you agree to still be liable for the marriage settlement fee as prevailing at the time of marriage.
The Bureau reserves the right to amend or change any condition to safeguard its clients' interests. Our privacy policy is available to view at which you agree to by proceeding with the application.
The application form remains the property of Suman Marriage Bureau at all times, and cannot be copied or transmitted in any way shape or form without the prior written consent of the bureau.
If clients wish to visit the office/meet with a member of the team, to discuss their case, a prior appointment must be made to ensure that they will be seen by the appropriate staff member.
Clients will appreciate that the above terms and conditions are designed to safeguard their interests.